Monday 25 June 2012

Random Post - 3

Morning isn't any different, usual sun with its blazing shine which is just celestial part of universe. They say Sun will die one day but its seems he is also waiting for something, to make it happen.

You might be wondering what happened to me or is this also some kind of sad story which writer says as fiction but actually it contains some part of writer's self. Then lets say its not that way at least. Lets not digress now.. 

We grow up ( do we??) and then try to sink in daily activities  but every one has their own share of secrets buried down there and keep putting up brave & smiling faces. No one try to solve it as they have already accepted it can't be solved in first place. Some where inside its eating up the meaning of one's being/ existence. It surfaces at times but before it gets any voice again silenced.

Years pass by and we start to introspect, not that we dint do that earlier but experiences/ mistakes has given new wisdom and philosophies hence new point of view for doing introspection and a feel creep in that it could have been better.

Few say its regret, other say its just a point of view but at the same time no one do something to eliminate this feel which actually started all this. Everyone accepts themselves as looser because its convenient. Everyone is in comfort zone by now, licking their their wounds.... but not ready to put any medicine because that need to take risk. 

Risk of getting out of comfort zone, risk of feeling insecure as if they are feeling secure as of now. Argument comes, I know this insecurity, I am familiar with it. I have set of people who foster this situation and I can't let them feel betrayed as they were very people who help me to reach this condition along with myself. 

I am ready to licking my wounds because I am not sure medicine will do any good, even if it does, how will I justify my act to that person who gave me that very wound to pass my time so far. I am obliged to that person.

and it continue... 


Unknown Wanderer said...

It draws big empty whole of blankness and endless dark abyss.

Makk said...



Unknown Wanderer said...

You keep falling till you hit reality..or you keep falling(endless Abyss)..

Makk said...

Well, I guess I failed to write what I wanted to ... in a precise way.

anilkurup59 said...

What precisely do you try to convey? Is it that people need crutches and prefer to stay inside the comparative comfort of a cocoon? Well that is true. How else ,do you think that religions and faith survive?

Makk said...



in fact they need people around them to foster this.

Bikram said...

hmmmm too much of thoughts for the likes of me ..


Makk said...

This is a nice way to keep away...

or to not to say what the hell you are writing man..:)


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